Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
On today’s episode of the Official American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) Podcast, ADHA President Matt Crespin dives into this fireside chat, covering highlights from 2019, and what we are all looking forward to in 2020… The ADHA Annual Conference! Episode Highlights: Highlights from Greater NY Dental Meeting and the MouthWatch Teledentistry Awards Introduction to Cameron Hawkins, ADHA’s new CFO 2019 Initiatives and Reflections 2020 ADHA Annual Conference The impact of appreciation Quotes: “It's really exciting that ADHA is at the table” “I can assure you that ADHA, behind the scenes, does the hard work to ensure that we are at the table” “I'm excited to share that 100% of our unleashing your potential class donated” “I am often asked ‘can I come if I am not a member?’ The answer is YES” “We see this as our Emmy Awards of Dental Hygiene” “We hope you will take advantage and dive even deeper into the work the association is doing” “It really is the premier dental hygiene meeting in the country” Links: ADHA Annual Conference Website: https://www.adha2020.org American Dental Hygienists’ Association homepage: https://www.adha.org/ ADHA Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/youradha/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Joining Megen on this week’s episode of “Dental Assistant Talk with Megen Elliott” is Ashley McCauley, fellow host on The Dental Podcast Network. Ashley and Megen discuss what Ashley sees through her position working with over 20 dental offices and the concept of “Silos-Mentality”. Episode Highlights: Ashleys Career History Silos-Mentality and Silos-Behavior Forming alignment within your team Tips for your office Quotes: “Silos-Mentality is when we are not working as a full team” “Do you know your doctors vision for the practice you are in?” “I think sometimes we think these are the fluffy things in business but they are really important” “When you resist change, it affects the culture, and alignment with the team” “Your not just the dental assistant, or dental hygienist, you are an integral part of the team” “If you don't speak it, it's never going to be heard” “When you speak up, you are going to realize you are being heard, and you will be seen in a different light” “You might not be able to foster that environment on the other end, but you can be open on your end” “You have to find the culture that you feel safe in and that you can foster and grow and have the courage to speak up to better the team” Links: The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Show Notes: In this week’s episode of the Get Hired with Doug Perry podcast, Doug talks to us about next steps for you to take after the interview and provides some unique ways you can set yourself apart from other candidates. Episode Highlights: Steps to take to help you to stand out after the interview The importance of a Thank You Card Tips for Thank You Cards Example scenarios and responses Post interview summary letter Quotes: “In my experience I don’t see it as something that happens nearly enough. I see a lot of potential employees who are having a great interview, but they don't follow it up with a thank you card” “It adds a level of polish and professionalism to your reputation” “If you can hand deliver one, writing it with a pen shows that you took a little bit more time, and put in a little more effort” “You want to give the impression that you go the extra mile on everything” “If you know you are not going to get an offer, you can address it head on” “I hate to put guarantees on anything, but no other applicant is going to do one of these” Links: The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429 GetHiredRDH homepage: https://gethiredrdh.com/ Doug’s email: gethiredrdh@gmail.com
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Today’s episode of “Your Dental Top 5” podcast with Amanda Hill is all about 2020’s hot hygiene products! Listen as she highlights some of the most cutting edge products, and some advancements that have been made to older products! Episode Highlights: Top 5 hygiene product categories from your host Product highlights Why Amanda considers these the hot top 5 Quotes: “That leaves 30 states with no written regulations” “I think that we are finally making some headway on that bacteria biofilm burden” “Maybe subgingival air polishing is a great way to help you help the patient reduce their biofilm load” “For so long we have been worries about blood, blood everywhere … aerosols are a whole different story” “The number one reason dental professionals miss work is upper respiratory infections” “You won’t believe the number of offices I go into templing that are still using level 1 masks” “It was amazing how much I could see” “There's all these tools and gadgets out there that are helping us do a better and more thorough oral cancer exam” “The stories that people tell about the lives that they have saved based on their oral cancer exam, those are just so affirming for our profession and really help to keep us excited and happy in the op” Links: The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429 Amanda’s email: amandahillrdh@gmail.com
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
On today’s episode of the “Get a Gasp” podcast, Gina Pepitone-Mattiello looks at another form of therapy for sleep disordered breathing for adults called oral appliance therapy. Episode Highlights: How oral appliance therapy works The steps involved in getting an oral device Determining the best mandible position for the patient The possible side effects of oral devices Quotes: “Wearing these oral devices actually brings the lower jaw forward opening up the airway.” “Oral devices can be made by any dentist.” “They are fabricated in medical device laboratories.” “For me, it worked like a dream, and I definitely do discuss it with a lot of patients.” “You can have a little bit of a bite change, a bite shift.” “Getting oxygen trumps…having the perfect bite.” “I’d rather be alive with not perfect teeth than, I hate to say it, not be alive with perfect, beautiful teeth.” “Oral devices, I think they’re wonderful. They’ve basically saved my husband’s life and our marriage.” Links: Next Level Practice https://nextlevelpractice.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429 Long Island Dental Sleep Medicine homepage: http://lidentalsleepmedicine.com/
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
On today’s episode of the Official American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) Podcast, Diana is joined by Patti DiGangi, who shares with listeners the story of her truly remarkable career in the dental world. Episode Highlights: The story of Patty’s fascinating career Her first speaking experience Quotes: “I should have known this was an insane profession!” “I liked playing with the extracted teeth.” “It’s always been about people.” “I always have faith in the future…we forge the future by what decisions we make.” “We need to make ourselves happy…find out what is going to make us happy in our career.” “We were paperless and chartless in 1992.” “There’s some really bad CE out there!” “I was seeing corporate support through jaundiced glasses.” “Being a clinical hygienist is a really, really hard, and a really, really important job.” Links: American Dental Hygienists’ Association homepage: https://www.adha.org/ ADHA Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/youradha/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Joining Megen on this week’s episode of “Dental Assistant Talk with Megen Elliott” is Alicia Murria, Founder and Director of Hygienists for Humanity, who shares with listeners the remarkable work her organization does and offers an invitation to join them in this work. Episode Highlights: Hygienists for Humanity and how it got its start The missions they organize Collaborating with Hygienists for Humanity Quotes: “Our vision is to be a catalyst for all health care providers to have a platform to volunteer.” “We’re creating missions to help people give back.” “There’s so much need right here outside our door in our city.” “Hygienists for Humanity is just the other wing in the background helping you guys do what you got to do.” “I like to think that dental assistants are like the rock star unicorns of the office.” “We welcome everybody…anyone can get involved.” “We’re all angels on earth with one wing and we can only fly when we’re together.” “We want to help people help people.” “We’re small but we’re mighty, and we’re also looking for help.” Links: The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429 American Dental Assistants Association homepage: https://www.adaausa.org/ Hygienists for Humanity homepage: https://hygienistsforhumanity.org/
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Friday Jan 24, 2020
In this week’s episode of the Get Hired with Doug Perry podcast, Doug revisits the topic of resumes, looking this time at how to ensure they pack the punch needed to make an impact on an employer. Episode Highlights: The importance of the resume 5 ways to pack your resume with the punch it needs Quotes: “Your dental hygiene resume is the most important career document that you have.” “Have I confused you yet? I hope not!” “Readers have a visual response before they read.” “Keep the statements interesting and more compelling for the reader.” “Active writing creates a much more succinct writing style.” “Whatever you can do to make it so it’s very apparent that you align with what it is they are looking for, that’s what I’m talking about.” “Don’t think of your resume as a static document.” “There are grammarians everywhere.” “Give it lots of time.” Links: The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429 GetHiredRDH homepage: https://gethiredrdh.com/ Doug’s email: gethiredrdh@gmail.com
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Today’s episode of “Your Dental Top 5” podcast with Amanda Hill looks at the top ways that you can be a little more assertive and stick up for yourself. Episode Highlights: Amanda’s top 5 ways to become more assertive DentalPost Brene Brown’s TED Talk on vulnerability Quotes: “Oftentimes we will allow our desire to please others to trump our desire to even consider what we want or stand up for what we deserve.” “Buckle up. Put on your big girl panties or tighten your jockstrap, and let’s dig in to how we can become a little more assertive and stick up for ourselves.” “Not believing in yourself, in your innate worthiness, can cause you to settle for less than you want or deserve.” “Shameless plug for DentalPost.” “Until you understand yourself, you can’t stick up for yourself.” “That way, hopefully, you won’t turn into a blubbery mess like me and cry to AT&T Wireless.” “All of a sudden, one day you go from doormat to opinionated, you could very well blindside your partner, or your friends or your co-workers as you unleash this new confidence.” “The entire situation could be taken care of by a quick conversation.” “I could choose to let that go, or I could choose to make a thing out of it.” Links: The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429 Amanda’s email: amandahillrdh@gmail.com
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Gina Pepitone-Mattiello’s guest on today’s episode of the “Get a Gasp” podcast is her good friend, Cathy DiStefano, dental hygienist and myofunctional therapist, who shares discusses the effects of tongue-ties, and the impact that myofunctional therapy can have upon a patient’s airway and sleep. Episode Highlights: Cathy’s background and how much dentistry has changed over her career How myofunctional therapy can help achieve deep restorative sleep The effects of tongue-ties The ‘thumb habit’ and its consequences Quotes: “We started back in the day when, you know, there were no gloves!” “We’re just making these night guards which very often can make their sleep apnea worse if they do have it.” “They’re testing for sleep disturbances before they put children on medication, and I’m so happy to see that.” “The tongue-tie is causing the sleep obstruction.” “It’s all about the tongue and the airway.” “We have the capability through myofunctional therapy to retrain, re-educate these muscles…to be relaxed to allow ourselves to have the deep restorative sleep that we need.” “We could be called plastic surgeons!” “Everybody needs to really understand all of the items that will impact the airway.” Links: The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429