Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
This week on Get a Gasp with Gina Pepitone-Mattiello Gina continues her series on what you can look for with your patients to screen for airway/sleep issues and how to talk with your patients about your screening. Episode Highlights Height/Weight/BMI Neck Measuring/Adjusted Neck Circumference Blood Pressure Obesity Rates GERD Quotes “ Obesity is one of the biggest risk factors for sleep disordered breathing” “We 100% should be taking blood pressure on every single patient” “Obesity and Sleep Apnea are very closely related” “Obesity in the United States is slowly increasing, day by day, state by state” “7 States… had a prevalence of obesity 35% or greater” “Did you know when you gain weight in your body, you can gain weight in your tongue… and it can affect your airway “ “Could you be under stress because you are not getting oxygen, could it be oxidative stress” “You should rule out sleep disordered breathing before you make them a mouth guard” Links The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429 Long Island Dental Sleep Medicine homepage: http://lidentalsleepmedicine.com/
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
This week on the ADHA Podcast Diana interviews Diane Flanagan, RDH. Diane and Diana discuss Diane’s experience in pediatric practice and what brought her to her current position in the public health realm and her experience with grant writing. Episode Highlights Diane's Professional Experience Diane’s Project Grant Writing Quotes “We worked on developing partnerships within our communities so that children in need of special healthcare needs could receive that care” “I didn’t realize at the time that there is a lot of report and grant writing, and that I could develop those skills as well” “If you still wanted to be working, you needed to continue writing grants” “If we keep our eyes and hearts open to opportunities, and seize them, you would be surprised that your journey doesn’t have to follow some predetermined line” “As you are venturing out, pay attention and learn”
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
This week on Dental Assistant Talk with Megen Elliot, Megen talks with her students at the Chicago Midwinter Meeting about their experience attending their first dental meeting and convention! Episode Highlights Students Experience Products the Students Experienced Quotes “When we first walked in, we didn’t know where to start” “There's a lot of brands that we know about because we use them in school” “It's pretty cool that companies are moving into the eco friendly manufacturing” “It definitely is a little overwhelming because there are so many vendors, but its really exciting” “It's not just about the product, it’s about the sales representative as well” Links The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
On this week of Get Hired with Doug Perry Podcast, Doug talks to us about what the ideal length of a resume is. Doug often is asked this question, and there are different lengths that are appropriate for different positions. Tune in to see what your resumé should look like for the position you seek, and where you are in your career. Episode Highlights Resumes for different types of positions 1 page vs. 2 page Font size Paper Quotes “It really does pay to be active in your career, not just showing up everyday to your office, but really diving into it” “Those that have been really active have rich resume content, and its much easier to find jobs that way” “My philosophy on all resumes is to hit the reader hard with a design flow that is efficient, grabs attention, holds it and pulls them into the accomplishments and results you have been able to achieve” “If you are unsure about your career path, see if you can have it fit on to one page” “No one ever got hired by page 2 of their resume” Links The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429 GetHiredRDH homepage: https://gethiredrdh.com/
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
This week on Your Dental Top 5 Podcast Amanda Hill is joined by Lori Vintilescu to talk about ways we can practice self care. Lori is a practicing massage therapist and instructor of anatomy and physiology for massage therapy at Northern Virginia Community College. Episode Highlights Stretching Tips Nutrition Tips DOMS Press and Hold Technique Quotes “I don't know how much you know about dental hygienists… but we are mean to our bodies” “Drinking water is like putting oil in your car” “Our bodies respond as if we are still out there hunting and gathering” “Its not really age, its repetitive positioning” “Muscles are dumb, and they only do what they are told to do” “When dealing with a muscle in distress you need to only hold it for 5 seconds at a time” “Rub it where it hurts” Links Lori's Email: therapist.diw@gmail.com The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429 Amanda’s email: amandahillrdh@gmail.com
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
This week on Get a Gasp Gina Pepitone-Mattiello continues her series of clinical perils. Gina covers several factors you can look for when seeing your patients to signify potential airway and sleep breathing issues. Highlights What to look for in patients Risk Factors Head positions and what it means for the Airway Medical History Quotes “This type of breathing impacts our posture and our diaphragm” “Once you learn all of these risk factors you start to walk around and notice people” “Pregnancy also increases your risk for obstructive sleep apnea” “We know that pulmonary hypertension is a direct result of untreated sleep apnea” “Untreated sleep apnea can take up to 12 years off your life and increase your death risk by 46%, that makes untreated sleep apnea more dangerous than smoking” “90% of stoke victims have obstructive sleep apnea” “Always take a look at the medication they take to help them sleep, or keep them awake” Links The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429 Long Island Dental Sleep Medicine homepage: http://lidentalsleepmedicine.com/
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
On Your Official ADHA Podcast this week Diana is joined by Patti DeQuardo who is a Registered Dental Hygienist practicing in Milwaukee, WI. Patti talks to us about her professional history, working for the military, working with a second chance program, and working full time working in a federally qualified health center. Episode Highlights Patti’s Professional Background Act 20 in Wisconsin Mentors Quotes “We would see anywhere from 50 to 700 service members, depending how big the event was” “You have to educate them why its important to take your child to the dentist every 6 months” “She got to deliver her baby with her beautiful front tooth in there” “If you don’t feel good about your smile, you won’t smile” “Matt Crespin was instrumental in helping Act 20 move forward and in helping me with this program” Links ADHA Annual Conference Website: https://www.adha2020.org American Dental Hygienists’ Association homepage: https://www.adha.org/ ADHA Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/youradha/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429
Monday Mar 09, 2020
Monday Mar 09, 2020
This week on Dental Assistant Talk Podcast, Megen interviews Debora Carrier, Founder of Twice as Nice Uniforms and Dr. Watson. Debora, Dr. Watson and Megen discuss Twice as Nice Uniforms latest jacket, the SAM that has radiation protection technology. Episode Highlights Debora’s Background Dr. Watson's Background SAM Jacket Quotes “ I am always looking for new ideas and technology to help dental professionals” “If you are in a compact mobile unit in the summertime and you have to keep putting this thing on…it's not convenient” “If you make it too complicated and too heavy people are more likely not to wear anything” “It looks nice, and it protects you, and it has the temperature regulating technology, it's a win-win” “I don't take it off because it's so lightweight, and I don't want to forget… it's also a timing thing” “It's always better to be safe rather than sorry” “Less than 1% penetrated through the jacket, it works, it provides the protection you need, its comfortable, and you look great too” “I found out people were not wearing their PPE because they were too hot” Links SAM Jacket: https://twiceasniceuniforms.com/s-a-m-safe-and-mobile-radiation-protection-price-398-00-pre-order-deposit-40-00/ Phone Number for Twice as Nice: 844-826-4327 The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
This week on Get Hired with Doug Perry, Doug talks us through the difficult process of being let go and the proper steps to take to after being dismissed and getting yourself back in the workforce. Episode Highlights: Next steps after being let go Alternative Language Privatizing your Resume Wrongly fired Leveraging references and testimonials Quotes: “There is hope, have the confidence in yourself to rebound” “I want to you to think of that term ‘got fired’ as a label, and remove it” “You don't have to acknowledge your dismissal, in fact you don't have to share that information with anyone” “Resumes are marketing documents, they are designed to showcase relevant successes” “I want you to think of that as a comma, instead of a period” “It looks really good when you have looked at your difficulty or challenge and overcome it” “You should mention something that you liked about your former employer” “Take them up on it, I know its a bitter time … but take them up on it” “I believe in you, and you believe in you, now let's get to work and do it” Links: The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429 GetHiredRDH homepage: https://gethiredrdh.com/ Doug’s email: gethiredrdh@gmail.com
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
This week's Dental Top 5 with Amanda will is all about Masks! This is an emergency episode dropped today because it is so important and such a hot topic! Spread this information to help those that are getting it wrong. It will protect them and protect our patients. Episode Highlights Types of Masks Proper mask fit Duration Dismissing Patients and Staff Quotes “The amount of mis information I am seeing on social media is amazing, I am overwhelmed by the choices that we are making right now when it comes to our PPE” “Protocols and guidelines are there for a reason people, they are to protect you and your patients” “Those masks that you pick up at Home Depot, might not be medical device masks, they might not do what you need them to do” “You need to make sure you have the right mask for the task” “Every mask is single use, that means 1 time, that means not for multiple patients” “The mask not covering your nose… doesn’t do any good” “When you bring that mask closer to your face, you are causing your breath to get the mask wet more quickly, don't twist the ear loops” “When patients are sick the last thing they need to be doing is breathing in our aerosols” Links The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429 Amanda’s email: amandahillrdh@gmail.com