Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
On today’s episode of the Official American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) Podcast, Diana is joined by Holly Jorgensen who shares information about her non-profit, Let’s Smile. Episode Highlights: Holly’s journey to dental hygiene Her involvement with ADHA The story of Let’s Smile and an inspirational example of the great work it does Quotes: “He...always gave us plenty of opportunities to grow and to learn, so I’m very grateful for him as well…his name is Dr. Roy Tesene, and that was in Garner, Iowa.” “The thing that I really love most about the ADHA is the liaison community…they’re really lobbying for the dental hygiene profession…I think they’re doing a great job.” “Whenever I have a child or adolescent in my dental chair, they are the most precious thing in the world to me and I make sure that they have a positive experience.” “If it was not for Dom Korbel, Let’s Smile would not be in existence today.” “That’s a big thing for Let’s Smile – the how and the why.” “Their whole dynamics changed because a dental professional looked in his mouth and saw that there was something wrong.” Links: American Dental Hygienists’ Association homepage: https://www.adha.org/ ADHA Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/youradha/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429 Let’s Smile, Inc homepage: https://www.letssmileinc.com/
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Monday Dec 23, 2019
This week’s episode of “Dental Assistant Talk with Megen Elliott”, continues the focus on dental assistant education through a discussion with Katrina Borgen, an instructor at Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC), about the program in which she teaches and how it compares with the program in which Megen teaches at Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College (WITC). Episode Highlights: The program that Katrina teaches in at CVTC and the courses she teaches The program that Megen teaches in at WITC The differences between the two programs and their value to students Some of the challenges students had in Katrina’s dental materials course Quotes: “What’s kind of nice about the one semester option is that the students learn kind of in a…condensed fashion.” “We have returning dental clinics wanting to work with our students, and in turn then, a lot of them get hired at that clinical site as well.” “I would love to keep sharing graduates with you. I think it’s a great lead way into your program.” “A lot of offices are starting to look for those certified dental assistants.” “It was amazing to see the growth that we could see in one semester.” “It’s just a great way to get a good baseline to enter into the dental assistant field successfully.” “Beautiful program, both CVTV and WITC…I love that we can work hand in hand.” Links: The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429 American Dental Assistants Association homepage: https://www.adaausa.org/
Friday Dec 20, 2019
Friday Dec 20, 2019
In this week’s episode of the Get Hired with Doug Perry podcast, Doug shares his perspective on the state of the dental hygiene job market. Episode Highlights: The overall job market at the moment The job market for dental hygienists in particular The types of positions to which hygienists are transitioning Quotes: “For the most part hygienists are finding job opportunities more than they were, say, a decade ago.” “I’m also seeing wages creep up a little bit each year, as a whole.” “I’m seeing an increase in the number of practices offering bonuses.” “Unfortunately, I’m seeing little or no movement in additional benefits.” “The clinical side of the career still appears to be really attractive to people seeking less than full time work.” “They want help with finding a different type of a job that will help stabilize their career.” “It’s really important to recognize that even though you may feel like you could be at your current job forever…things can change.” “That unpredictability is understandably a feared thing, but it also represents a huge opportunity for growth and self-discovery.” Links: The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429 GetHiredRDH homepage: https://gethiredrdh.com/ Doug’s email: gethiredrdh@gmail.com
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
On today’s episode of the Therapy Thursday podcast, Chelsea looks at boundaries around difficult conversations and provides some strategies for navigating such conversations. Episode Highlights: The choice to engage or not engage in difficult conversations Some tools to help navigate them How to handle ‘blow ups’ Preparing for these situations Quotes: “Your boundaries get to include whether or not you would actually even like to engage in conversations with different people.” “No one gets to judge you on where you’re at in your life.” “Whether you choose to engage in a difficult conversation or just let it be, that is completely and 100% up to you.” “The intent in having these conversations should never just be to prove someone wrong.” “Try to find some common ground.” “You can always keep directing the conversation lighter.” “This does not apply to racist, bigoted relatives.” “People…can get really upset by you setting a boundary…it doesn’t mean that you’ve done anything wrong.” Links: The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
In today’s episode of the “Get a Gasp” podcast, Gina Pepitone-Mattiello takes an in-depth look at obstructive sleep apnea. Episode Highlights: How Gina describes obstructive sleep apnea to her patients The 3 types of apnea Definitions of apnea-related terms Levels of sleep apnea The potential effects of obstructive sleep apnea Quotes: “All of a sudden, that suction creates airway collapse…you no longer are absorbing oxygen.” “Luckily, your brain loves you.” “A lot of people will wake up gasping, choking and trying to recover their breath again, but most of the time, people have no idea that this is happening.” “It slowly takes a toll on your body.” “It’s like somebody is choking you night after night, constantly.” “There’s a lot more going on in sleep than we realize.” “Almost every condition that you can develop in your lifetime can be traced back to poor sleep and inflammation in the body.” “The way I look at it, if you’re having an argument with somebody, you can just blame it on poor sleep so you don’t have to get in trouble.” Links: The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
On today’s episode of the Official American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) Podcast, Diana’s guest is Jaci Kledpadlo who shares information regarding the Veteran Smile Day Foundation with which she is involved. Episode Highlights: Jaci’s academic and professional history Her involvement with ADHA The Veteran Smile Day Foundation, how it got started, and plans for its future An invitation for listeners to participate in Veteran Smile Day Quotes: “You’d never heard of a dental hygienist before?” “I’m always trying to recruit the hygienists around me.” “Once our veterans become essentially veterans…a lot of them do not get dental care.” “We are now across the nation with over 600 providers that are offering care to the veterans.” “You will never serve a more grateful population than a veteran population.” “They’ve just been through so much in their lives, and they’ve seen so much that…to see now years later that they’re finally being recognized or appreciated, it still means the world to them.” “It just brings chills to me – I love this.” Links: American Dental Hygienists’ Association homepage: https://www.adha.org/ ADHA Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/youradha/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429 Veteran Smile Day homepage: http://veteransmileday.org/
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Monday Dec 16, 2019
In this week’s episode of “Dental Assistant Talk with Megen Elliott”, Megen is joined by Tia Meyer, Adjunct Instructor in the Dental Assistant Apprenticeship Program at Southeast Technical Institute, who shares information about what she does in her program and what sets it apart from others. Episode Highlights: The program at Southeast Technical and how it works The differences in licensure from state to state The advantages of this program for students Quotes: “These students are working apprenticeship-style five days a week, 36-40 hours, and then meeting with me one night a week. And again, this if for the course of 9 months.” “I want to first identify that these students have that motivation and drive and the passion they need to get to where they need to be.” “Getting right in there and jumping right in…aids well with that learning in the textbook and taking tests.” “This is a very demanding program…they have to be able to juggle that.” “This is amazing because we are able to then train them in our own setting – the setting that they could potentially be working in for years and years to come.” “A lot of the offices will give them an offer based upon a sponsorship.” “We have a very large and demanding market for dental assistants right now.” “I couldn’t be more proud of the students coming out of our program.” Links: The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429 American Dental Assistants Association homepage: https://www.adaausa.org/
Friday Dec 13, 2019
Friday Dec 13, 2019
In this week’s episode of the Get Hired with Doug Perry podcast, Doug shares with listeners one of the first things they should do when they get a new job – prepare for their next one! Episode Highlights: The importance of preparing for your next job Steps to follow in this preparation Quotes: “The moment you get that job offer it’s wise to start preparing for your departure.” “Be happy, be excited…but be smart about your next steps to protect this career that you’ve worked so hard for.” “Regular review of all your accomplishments…will help build your confidence…and will stimulate also some creativity of what to do next.” “There is great power in testimonial sheets as a tool for landing a job.” “This is networking at its finest, because you don’t need a new job right now.” “Once the new job shine wears off, you’ll need some things to keep you motivated to grow as a professional.” “Goals only work if they’re measured for progress.” “Nobody wants to think about the next job just after you landed one…but it makes a huge difference for your career.” Links: The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429 GetHiredRDH homepage: https://gethiredrdh.com/ Doug’s email: gethiredrdh@gmail.com
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
This week on the Therapy Thursday podcast, Chelsea continues her ‘Surviving the Holidays’ series by looking at boundaries – what they are, how to set them, and how to maintain them. Episode Highlights: What a boundary actually is Some boundary setting examples for the holidays ‘People pleasers’ or ‘co-dependents’ ‘Baby steps’ to introducing boundaries Quotes: “We all know that there are things that take our energy away from us or give energy back to us.” “Visualize your body as your home…and your boundaries are that front door so you decide what to open that door to, and what to close it to.” “For some people, they can put a lot of pressure to make those times perfect, or feel that they have to participate in every single thing because of the novelty of this time of year.” “You actually have to be fairly strong in what you’re asking for yourself.” “I need a good amount of time to wind down and kind of get ready for my work week.” “You do not have to explain yourself to people why you need time to rest or recover.” “People are allowed to have their reactions to your boundaries. The cool thing is that you don’t have to take care of that for them.” “It may take several iterations of your boundary to have it stick for other people.” “It’s just all going to be okay.” Links: The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage: http://dentalpodcastnetworkchannelone.otcpn.libsynpro.com/ The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dental-podcast-networks-channel-two/id1478530429