Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
025-Your Official ADHA Podcast
This week on the ADHA Podcast Diana interviews Diane Flanagan, RDH. Diane and Diana discuss Diane’s experience in pediatric practice and what brought her to her current position in the public health realm and her experience with grant writing.
Episode Highlights
- Diane's Professional Experience
- Diane’s Project
- Grant Writing
“We worked on developing partnerships within our communities so that children in need of special healthcare needs could receive that care”
“I didn’t realize at the time that there is a lot of report and grant writing, and that I could develop those skills as well”
“If you still wanted to be working, you needed to continue writing grants”
“If we keep our eyes and hearts open to opportunities, and seize them, you would be surprised that your journey doesn’t have to follow some predetermined line”
“As you are venturing out, pay attention and learn”