Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
025-Get a Gasp with Gina Pepitone-Mattiello
This week on Get a Gasp with Gina Pepitone-Mattiello Gina continues her series on what you can look for with your patients to screen for airway/sleep issues and how to talk with your patients about your screening.
Episode Highlights
- Height/Weight/BMI
- Neck Measuring/Adjusted Neck Circumference
- Blood Pressure
- Obesity Rates
“ Obesity is one of the biggest risk factors for sleep disordered breathing”
“We 100% should be taking blood pressure on every single patient”
“Obesity and Sleep Apnea are very closely related”
“Obesity in the United States is slowly increasing, day by day, state by state”
“7 States… had a prevalence of obesity 35% or greater”
“Did you know when you gain weight in your body, you can gain weight in your tongue… and it can affect your airway “
“Could you be under stress because you are not getting oxygen, could it be oxidative stress”
“You should rule out sleep disordered breathing before you make them a mouth guard”
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