Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
022-Your Official ADHA Podcast
On today’s episode of the Official American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) Podcast, Diana Corbin has her first duo episode with Cara Reck and Crystal Spring! Both Cara and Crystal practice in Montana! They work together with the non-profit Smiles Across Montana.
Episode Highlights:
- Caras Background
- Start of the Smiles Across Montana
- Growth of the Smiles Across Montana
- Dental hygiene workforce
“We could stop thinking, wow everyone deserves to have a program like this in their school, we could spread this”
“We really used our support system in the beginning, and to this day those people are still big supporters”
“We are so thankful for our state and national associations, when it comes to these challenges, you don't know how much you need your associations, and your people until you need them”
“If it wasn’t for ADHA and MDHA I don't know if we would be doing this”
“We started with bare bones, but enough to do really quality work”
“We didn't get the first one, or the second one, but we started receiving them after that, we learned grant language”
“Not all hygienists are made for private practice”
“It's fun for us to create a job for someone that they really love”
Smiles Across Montana Email
ADHA Annual Conference Website: https://www.adha2020.org
American Dental Hygienists’ Association homepage: https://www.adha.org/
ADHA Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/youradha/