Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
019-Your Official ADHA Podcast
On today’s episode of the Official American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) Podcast, ADHA President Matt Crespin dives into this fireside chat, covering highlights from 2019, and what we are all looking forward to in 2020… The ADHA Annual Conference!
Episode Highlights:
- Highlights from Greater NY Dental Meeting and the MouthWatch Teledentistry Awards
- Introduction to Cameron Hawkins, ADHA’s new CFO
- 2019 Initiatives and Reflections
- 2020 ADHA Annual Conference
- The impact of appreciation
“It's really exciting that ADHA is at the table”
“I can assure you that ADHA, behind the scenes, does the hard work to ensure that we are at the table”
“I'm excited to share that 100% of our unleashing your potential class donated”
“I am often asked ‘can I come if I am not a member?’ The answer is YES”
“We see this as our Emmy Awards of Dental Hygiene”
“We hope you will take advantage and dive even deeper into the work the association is doing”
“It really is the premier dental hygiene meeting in the country”
ADHA Annual Conference Website: https://www.adha2020.org
American Dental Hygienists’ Association homepage: https://www.adha.org/
ADHA Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/youradha/
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