Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
019-Get A Gasp with Gina Pepitone Mattiello
On today’s episode of the “Get a Gasp” podcast, Gina Pepitone-Mattiello begins her 3 part series with Gary Kadi CEO of Next Level Practice about the turning point in careers to take you from shygenist to hygienius.
Episode Highlights:
- Gary’s career background
- Shygensit, to hygenius
- Say ah the movie
- Oral systemic link and its importance
“When you develop systems for the shyest person in the room then they come out of their shell and they become AMAZING”
“You get there, and you’re the little fish in the big big pond, and the dentist is a little scary, and sometimes its really difficult to let yourself shine”
“There are three women that changed my life, and they are all hygienists”
“What I learned in that moment, is that the mouth and the body are connected”
“My husband was basically dying in my bed, and it was horrible”
“I’m basically walking through the streets trying to diagnose sleep apnea”
“I care way more about what people are hearing, then what I am saying”
“I think we all need to find a purpose, because it helps us to live our best life”
“In life you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you think you deserve, nothing more, nothing less”
“Shame and guilt are silent killers of great purposes and great experiences in life”
Next Level Practice
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