Monday Jan 27, 2020
018 Dental Assistant Talk with Megen Elliott
Joining Megen on this week’s episode of “Dental Assistant Talk with Megen Elliott” is Alicia Murria, Founder and Director of Hygienists for Humanity, who shares with listeners the remarkable work her organization does and offers an invitation to join them in this work.
Episode Highlights:
- Hygienists for Humanity and how it got its start
- The missions they organize
- Collaborating with Hygienists for Humanity
“Our vision is to be a catalyst for all health care providers to have a platform to volunteer.”
“We’re creating missions to help people give back.”
“There’s so much need right here outside our door in our city.”
“Hygienists for Humanity is just the other wing in the background helping you guys do what you got to do.”
“I like to think that dental assistants are like the rock star unicorns of the office.”
“We welcome everybody…anyone can get involved.”
“We’re all angels on earth with one wing and we can only fly when we’re together.”
“We want to help people help people.”
“We’re small but we’re mighty, and we’re also looking for help.”
The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage:
The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage:
American Dental Assistants Association homepage:
Hygienists for Humanity homepage: