Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
014 Official American Dental Hygienists’ Association Podcast
On today’s episode of the Official American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) Podcast, Diana is joined by Susan Cotten to discuss the evolution of her career including her work with HPV and oral cancer.
Episode Highlights:
- Susan’s work with her Dad and how it led to her career
- Susan’s ‘Donny Osmond Story’
- Her amazing mentors
- Susan’s involvement with ADHA
- Some of Susan’s many current roles
“I started working around the veterinary clinic around 8 years old.”
“About 9 months later, she got her new smile.”
“She just has a heart for helping people.”
“We all benefit from what other people have done in the past.”
“Don’t let having no money stop you, because there’s a grant or a will or a way somewhere.”
“You are the kind of person, Susan, who has never given up, and you keep striving to spread your message and I love that.”
“It’s all about saving lives…every cancer’s horrific, and this one especially.”
American Dental Hygienists’ Association homepage: https://www.adha.org/
ADHA Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/youradha/
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